Maintenance & Operations

Managing the day-to-day upkeep and operations of school and university facilities.


Photo 211926968 © Andrey Sayfutdinov |
When a school or university identifies a mold problem, it is important to promptly locate and abate moisture sources.

Breaking the Mold

June 8, 2023
Best practices to limit mold exposure and loss in education institutions.
Dash Desktop Power Center Silo Black

Product solutions May-June 2023

June 7, 2023
Desktop power centerThe dash™ Desktop Power Center provides designers a higher degree of customization and gives users easy access to power and data at the work surface. Available...
attucks broward

Storms, flooding cause $8 million in damage to schools in Broward County (Fla.) district

April 17, 2023
Classes resumed Monday in the district after severe storms closed campuses for 2 days last week.
University of Texas
doglike robot

Delivery system on Austin campus of University of Texas will use dog-like robots

Oct. 21, 2022
Researchers have planned a five-year study of what it takes to create, safely operate and maintain such a robot network.

Inside: Deferred Maintenance

Oct. 3, 2022
Reports from Nebraska, Oregon and Idaho


Download the AS&U 100

Dec. 21, 2023
Download this guide to the 100 largest public school districts and 25 largest postsecondary institutions.
Photo 36986285 © Tyler Olson |
A key strategy in making sure that classrooms and other school spaces have good air quality is choosing flooring materials with low emissions of volatile organic compounds.
Photo 207582400 © Carolyn Franks |
Some schools have upgraded the HVAC systems to combat Covid-19, but most report they have opted for lower-cost ventilation improvement strategies.
Ganędagǫ Residential Hall At Cornell University In Ithaca, Ny

Cornell University residence hall plagued with mice infestation

Feb. 16, 2022
Officials at the Ithaca, N.Y., campus say the infestation stems from the lack of cleanliness and poor food management.
crocker elementary

Restoration company will pay $67,400 penalty for faulty removal of asbestos from Massachusetts elementary school

Feb. 14, 2022
A consent judgment states that SERVPRO violated Massachusetts clean air laws in 2017 when it improperly removed ceiling tiles containing asbestos from Crocker Elementary School...
Florida State University

Florida State University closes building after reports of black mold and radon

Feb. 4, 2022
The university decided to close the Sandels building after a report from faculty members that conditions in the Sandels building raise "serious health concerns."
Johnson Elementary School
Johnson Elementary School

Natick (Mass.) district looks to close an aging elementary school

Nov. 11, 2021
The 81-year-old Johnson Elementary School needs $3 million in upgrades to become ADA-compliant.