Schoolhouse Beat

Districts in St. Louis area willing to take transfers from failing districts

Districts previously balked at accepting students from unaccredited districts, but have changed their stance after Missouri Supreme Court upheld the law allowing such transfers

The St. Louis area has two unaccredited school districts--Normandy and Riverview Gardens. Last week, the Missouri Supreme Court, reversing a lower court ruling, upheld a law that allows students in those unaccredited districts to transfer to more successful school systems. Now, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports, superintendents from St. Louis-area districts say they will abide by the court ruling and begin accepting transfer students. A statement from 50 area superintendents says their districts will try to accommodate transfers in a way that is in "the best interests of all children and families."

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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