More than 460 colleges and universities competed in the 2014 RecycleMania tournament. The result of the eight-week competition was 89.1 million pounds of recycled and composted materials and the prevention of 126,597 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents into the atmosphere, according to a press release from RecycleMania.
“Programs like those of RecycleMania’s award winners have helped make paper recycling a national success and create products that people use and need in their daily lives,” said Donna Harman, president and CEO of the American Forest & Paper Association, in a press release.
This year’s Grand Champion, Antioch University (Yellow Springs, Ohio) recycled 93.13% of its waste. Kalamazoo College (Kalamazoo, Mich.) recycled the most pounds per person at 48.62. The least overall waste generated per person was won by Valencia College (Orlando, Fla.) at 2.87 pounds.
RecycleMania is a friendly competition that capitalizes on school spirit to encourage students to recycle. This was the organization’s 14th annual tournament.