Texas state board of education approves anti-Islamic resolution
From The Dallas Morning News: The Texas State Board of Education has voted to instruct publishers to curtail what it perceives to be positive coverage of Islam and include more favorable treatment of Christianity in future world history textbooks. Social conservatives on the board joined to pass a resolution saying that pro-Islamic, anti-Christian bias will not be tolerated in new social studies books. The vote was 7 to 6.
RELATED OPINION: Let's not pretend that the resolution on Islam is about balance in textbook coverage of the world's major religions....It is about fear – specifically, fear of Muslims.
EARLIER...from The Houston Chronicle: Nearly 100 leaders of faith communities have signed a letter asking the Texas State Board of Education to reject a resolution that asserts a need to fend off a pro-Islamic, anti-Christian bias in textbooks. The faith leaders call the resolution "a thinly veiled attempt to generate fear and promote religious intolerance."