Paulding County School District
north paulding high

After Covid-19 cases reported, Georgia high school cancels in-person classes

Aug. 10, 2020
The temporary shutdown of North Paulding High School comes after photos were posted of school corridors crowded with unmasked students.

A Paulding County, Ga., high school thrust into the public eye last week for hallways crowded with unmasked students has had to cancel in-person classes online for at least a couple days after a half-dozen students and three staffers were diagnosed with Covid-19.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that the Paulding County district is shutting North Paulding High School in Dallas, Ga., to disinfect the building and look for other potentially infected individuals.

“On Monday and Tuesday, the school will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, and the district will consult with the Department of Public Health to assess the environment and determine if there (are) any additional close contacts for confirmed cases who have not already been identified,” Paulding Superintendent Brian Otott wrote in a letter to parents.

The school made national news last week after students resumed classes and images of the crowded hallways went viral on social media.

The school district suspended two students, including one who publicly acknowledged posting one of the photos. The punishment led to a national outcry from critics who said school leaders were trying to silence the students. After the pushback, the district relented and lifted the suspensions.

District officials have advised parents to have their children tested for Covid-19 if they were displaying common symptoms, such as fever or loss of taste or smell.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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