Several large bond requests win approval in Texas

Nov. 6, 2013
Voters in 4 districts approve requests that exceeded $200 million.

Voters in several Texas school districts have approved sizable bond proposals:

*Voters in the Fort Worth (Texas) Independent School District have approved three bond propositions totaling $490 million. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram says the bond package will add classrooms, expand pre-kindergarten to all students and provide high-tech devices to high school students.

*The United (Texas) Indepdendent School District has won approval of a $408.7 million bond proposal. The Laredo Morning Times says the money will enable the district to build 14 new schools, renovate existing facilities, and upgrade technology and security.

*Voters in the Denton (Texas) Independent School District have approved a $312 million bond request. The Denton Record-Chronicle says the bond package will pay for four new schools, a ninth-grade addition at Guyer High School, renovations at 17 campuses, energy conservation improvements and land acquisition.

*The Alvin (Texas) Independent School District has won approval of a $212.4 bond proposal. The Pearland Journal says that the money will pay for construction of a 2,500-student high school as well as a new elementary, new junior high and land acquisition for future school sites.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger | Writer

Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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