Schoolhouse Beat

Video: Shelby County (Tenn.) district plans to keep control of several schools in Germantown

Germantown residents have voted to leave the county school system, but county officials want to keep 3 school buildings as part of its district.

Video from WMC-TV: Some parents in Germantown, Tenn., are furious after the Shelby County school district announced that it intends to maintain control of some campuses in Germantown and not allow them to break off as part of a municipal school district. Shelby County superintendent Dorsey Hopson is recommending that the board maintain operational control of Germantown Elementary, Middle, and High Schools. Shelby County says 70 percent of Germantown Middle School students live in unincorporated Shelby county, not Germantown.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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