Schoolhouse Beat

Principal is staying at Atlanta high school

In the last week, Howard Taylor quit as principal of North Atlanta High, was promoted in an effort to get him to stay in the district, then had the school board reject the promotion.
Sept. 19, 2013

The principal of North Atlanta High School, whose promotion to an administrative post in the Atlanta district was rejected by the school board, has rescinded his resignation and will remain in charge at the high school, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. Howard “Gene” Taylor submitted his resignation last week, was promoted to an executive director position on Monday and then had the promotion rejected by the school board on Tuesday. Taylor had planned to resign over what his supporters said was frustration with the school district’s central office. He had difficulty in getting personnel approved and in receiving responses from central office staff. Superintendent Erroll Davis tried to lure him back by promoting him to a regional director position with oversight of about 20 schools. But the school board decided there should be an open application process for that job.

UPDATE: Taylor explains why he quit and why he has changed his mind (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

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Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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