3 former Penn State officials will stand trial in connection with alleged Sandusky coverup

July 31, 2013
Former president, vice president and athletic director are accused of failing to report what they knew about sexual abuse incidents involving former assistant football coach.

A judge has ordered three former officials at Pennsylvania State University to stand trial on charges related to the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse case. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that former Penn State president Graham Spanier, former athletic director Tim Curley and former vice president for finance and business Gary Schultz have been bound over for trial on charges of perjury, endangering the welfare of children, obstructing justice, conspiracy and failure to report suspected child abuse. Prosecutors have accused the three of being part of a "conspiracy of silence" by not reporting what they knew about an allegation of a locker room assault by Sandusky in 2001. Sandusky is serving a 30- to 60-year prison sentence for molesting boys. Read more:

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger | Writer

Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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