So many buses, so few parking spots

July 17, 2013
The Fairfax County (Va.) school district struggles to find parking spots for the 1,500 school buses in its fleet.

Ever have trouble finding a parking spot? It's even harder when your vehicle is a bus, and it's harder still when you have 1,000 more buses than parking spots. That's the situation in the Fairfax County (Va.) school district. The Fairfax Times reports that the system has about 1,500 school buses, but only 500 permanent parking spots for buses. A district report says that the buses not claiming one of the permanent spaces are scattered among 145 locations, mostly schools. Some schools have complained that having buses taking up space on their campuses makes it difficult to provide enough parking spots for school events and activities.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger | Writer

Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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