Legislation may alter who controls school construction in Wake County (N.C.) district

July 15, 2013
County commissioners want to take control of construction away from the school board.

The Wake County (N.C.) school district wants to have an $810 million bond election later this year, but still unresolved is whether the school board will oversee the construction program or whether oversight will shift to county commissioners, as has been proposed in the General Assembly. The Raleigh News & Observer reports that backers of the Republican-led commissioners and the Democratic-led school board each insist their side would do a better job of overseeing construction. A state House committee has rejected legislation that would let county commissioners usurp control of school construction. But in a parliamentary move, the bill was transferred to a different committee that’s expected to take it up this week.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger | Writer

Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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