Boston district enacts policy that makes condoms available at all high schools

June 20, 2013
Easier access to condoms is part of the district's new health and wellness policy.

The Boston School Committee has approved a change in policy that will make condoms available to students in all of the city's public high schools. The Boston Globe says condom distribution is a key feature in a new school district comprehensive health and wellness policy. Previously, only the few high schools that have health centers could hand out condoms. Now, students will be able to receive them at any of the city's three dozen public high schools either from a community health service partner, the Boston Public Health Commission, or from appropriate school staff. Students will receive counseling about safe sex practices before obtaining the contraceptives, and parents will have the right to exempt their children.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger | Writer

Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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