Schoolhouse Beat

Breakfast program may be cut in Los Angeles schools

Program feeds 200,000 students daily in their classrooms, but teachers have complained that the food attracts rodents and insects.
April 30, 2013

Update: L.A. board members signal that they will keep breakfast program.

Earlier: Los Angeles Unified Superintendent John Deasy has proposed eliminating a classroom breakfast program that feeds nearly 200,000 low-income students daily. The Los Angeles Daily News says $6.1 million that had been allocated for Breakfast in the Classroom has been cut from the proposed 2013-14 budget that Deasy will submit next month to the school board. The recommendation comes after the teachers union released the results of a member survey in which more than half of 729 respondents say the morning meals draw rodents and insects to their classrooms and cut into their lessons. At the same time, 88 percent say they would support a breakfast program if it was served in the cafeteria rather than the classroom.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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