60 students marooned by blizzard stay overnight at school

Feb. 27, 2013
Officials in the Miami Yoder (Colo.) district say conditions were too dangerous for students to get home.

Sixty children had to spend the night in their Colorado school when a powerful blizzard made it impossible to get home. ABC News reports that as classees in the Miami-Yoder school district in Rush, Colo., were being dismissed Tuesday afternoon, strong winds and blowing snow made the roads too dangerous to drive on. School officials decided to keep the students — ranging from preschool to high school — in the building for safety. Three school staffers, two bus drivers and three janitors volunteered to stay overnight to help out. The students watched movies and played in the school gym. By Wednesday morning, the skies had cleared and parents came to take the students home. The school is about 38 miles east of Colorado Springs.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger | Writer

Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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