Schoolhouse Beat

San Diego schools will add air conditioning to 2,000 classrooms

Board agrees to spend $9 million to provide relief in schools with greatest needs.

The San Diego Unified School District will install individual air-conditioning units in 2,000 of its hottest classrooms. The San Diego Union-Tribune says the $9 million needed for the upgrades will come from the Proposition Z bond proposal approved by voters last year. Superintendent Bill Kowba says it will take 18 to 24 months to determine which classrooms are eligible for the air-conditioning units and then complete the installations. The district intends to spend $534 million over the next 20 years on air-conditioning needs in its schools. The projects just approved are meant to provide quicker relief to campuses with the greatest need.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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