Chicago plans ahead for changes that will follow school closings

Jan. 30, 2013
Former Marine colonel is leading transition effort so displaced students are welcomed at their new schools.

No decisions have been announced about how many Chicago public schools--and which ones--will be closed later this year, but the district already is preparing for the difficult transition students and communities will have to make. Tom Tyrrell, a retired U.S. Marine colonel, is overseeing 40 staffers dedicated to planning and carrying out the transition. He and district CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett explained to The Chicago Sun-Times some of the plans to help those affected adapt more smoothly to the changes: At each school set to receive students from closed schools, a retired principal will serve as a “principal transition coordinator;" students in welcoming schools will serve as guides to the new transfers; principals at campuses receiving displaced students will be offered additional support from counselors, academic tutors and instructional coaches; and the district will hold events to help families, staff and students make a smooth transition to new school communities. A commission is preparing to recommend a list of school closings to Bennett. Early speculation put the number of closings as high as 100, but more recent reports say the number is likely to be about 20.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger | Writer

Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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