Schoolhouse Beat

California district settles dispute over transgender student

Arcadia Unified District agrees to treat student, who identifies himself as male, in the same manner as other male students.

The Arcadia (Calif.) Unified School District has resolved an investigation instigated by the U.S. Justice Department over the district's treatment of a transgender student. The Department says in a news release that the school system will take a number of steps to ensure that the student, whose gender identity is male and who has consistently and uniformly presented as a boy at school and in all other aspects of his life for several years, will be treated like other male students. A complaint in 2011 alleged that Arcadia had prohibited the student from having access to facilities consistent with his male gender identity, including restrooms and locker rooms at school, as well as sex-specific overnight accommodations at a school-sponsored trip.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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