Schoolhouse Beat

University of Cincinnati will pay $2 million to family of Tasered student

Student died in August 2011 after a campus police officer used a Taser stun gun on him.

The University of Cincinnati will pay $2 million and suspend the use of Taser stun guns by campus police as part of a settlement with the family of a student who died after being shocked with a Taser. The Cincinnati Enquirer says the settlement also requires the university to create a memorial for the student, to provide free tuition to his siblings and to send a letter to the family expressing regret over the incident. The student, Everette Howard Jr., died Aug. 6, 2011, after a confrontation with a university police officer. A coroner’s investigation could not determine a cause of death, but Howard’s family and expert witnesses blamed the shock from the Taser.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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