Schoolhouse Beat

Dallas superintendent gets reprimand, but keeps job

Board vote to fire Mike Miles fails 5 to 3.

Dallas School Superintendent Mike Miles is hanging on to his job after a vote to fire him fell short, but he received a variety of punishments for violating district policy and his contract. The Dallas Morning News reports that Miles’ punishment includes a letter of reprimand; being placed on an employee improvement plan — or a “growth plan” — for 90 days; and the elimination of a clause in his contract that allowed for a one-year extension if he receives a performance evaluation of “proficient.”

Followup: Despite being handed a variety of punishments from Dallas school board members, Superintendent Mike Miles says he is focused on students and does not plan to leave the district. (Dallas Morning News)

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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