High school student faces criminal charges over yearbook prank

May 28, 2013
17-year-old in Columbia, Mo., allegedly edited another student's last name from "Mastain" to "Masturbate."

A high school student in Columbia, Mo., faces felony charges after she allegedly changed a student's last name in the school yearbook from "Mastain" to "masturbate." The Columbia Tribune says Kaitlyn Booth, 17, a student at Hickman High School, was arrested earlier this month on suspicion of first-degree property damage, a felony, and harassment. Principal Tracey Conrad says the issue was brought to the administration's attention the day the yearbook was distributed. Reprinting about 720 yearbooks would have cost about $41,000, so instead of paying to reprint the yearbooks, the school placed stickers on the page with the student's correct name.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger | Writer

Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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