Reversing its decision, the La Feria (Texas) Independent School Districthas agreed to allow a photo of a transgender student wearing a tuxedo to appear in the high school yearbook along with the other students in his class. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) says Jeydon Loredo, who identifies as male and is a senior at La Feria High School, had been told that the photo would not be published in the yearbook because of "community standards." The SPLC Intervened on the student's behalf and argued that the decision violated Jeydon's constitutional rights. Attorneys for the district have agreed to provide written confirmation that Jeydon’s tuxedo photo will appear in the yearbook along with the other students in his class. The district also agreed to follow its own corrective policies for cases of gender discrimination and provide training for those involved, along with a comprehensive education program for the school community.
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Mike Kennedy Blogger
Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.
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