Schoolhouse Beat

Palm Beach County (Fla.) district boosts security patrols at elementary schools

24 officers have been hired--about one for every 3 elementary schools

When students return to Palm Beach County (Fla.) schools next month, a new class of cops will be there to keep them secure. The South Florida Sun-Sentinel says the district's elementary schools will have an additional 24 full-time police officers in their ranks, or about one officer for every three schools. The 30 police aides hired in January will remain at schools with multiple entry points. And $5.8 million has been budgeted for new fencing and campus security. Every middle and high school already had its own officer. The 24 new elementary-based officers will cost an additional $1.6 million a year, and the aides will cost another $800,000.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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