Schoolhouse Beat

Building renovations planned at University of Missouri

Officials expect renovations will eliminate the need for $14,3 million in deferred maintenance.

The University of Missouri plans to spend $22.85 million to upgrade three buildings on the Columbia campus. Swallow Hall will be renovated with a goal of gaining up to 5,000 gross square feet that is now unusable. Existing space will be renovated to be more flexible and reconfigurable. In Jesse Hall, workers will update the heating and cooling systems, and install a sprinkler system, new fire alarm system and a second elevator. At Pickard Hall, the university also will clear the entire building so that radiation that resulted from experiments conducted in the 1900s can be removed. All told, the renovations will eliminate the need for more than $14.3 million in deferred-maintenance costs, the university says.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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