Schoolhouse Beat

Clark County (Nev.) district tells 29 elementary schools they won't be put on year-round schedule

But 39 other elementary campuses may have to adopt an extended calendar to ease space constraints

The Clark County (Nev.) School District has told families at 29 elementary schools that students will remain on the traditional nine-month schedule in 2014-15 and not switch to year-round classes. The Las Vegas Review-Journal says that at 39 other elementary campuses, the district still may adopt year-round calendars because of student enrollment that exceeds capacity. Clark County officials had warned patrons in the fall that crowding at the elementary level might force the district to turn to an extended calendar. According to a head count on Nov. 18, enrollment in the district's 217 elementary schools, on average, is 13 percent over the capacity of permanent facilities. That space already is being supplemented with 1,282 portable classrooms at elementary schools.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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