Schoolhouse Beat

Mistakes cited at high school renovation in Haverhill, Mass.

Officials say contractors left at least $1 million in unfinished work
March 24, 2013

School officials in Haverhill, Mass., say neglected repairs and mistakes by contractors who renovated Haverford High School have left taxpayers on the hook for at least $1 million in unfinished work. The officials are demanding answers from Mayor James Fiorentini. The Haverhill Eagle-Tribune reports that School Committee President Paul Magliocchetti believes the mayor should be going after contractors responsible for problems that include unsafe curbing at building entrances and deficiencies with the high school’s heating, air-conditioning and ventilation system. The air quality issues resulted when a contractor quit in the middle of the job, school officials say.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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