Schoolhouse Beat

ADA case involving school vocational program settled in Providence, R.I.

Justice Department investigation concluded that students with disabilities were not being placed in the most integrated setting.

The U.S. Department of Justice has announced a settlement with the state of Rhode Island and the city of Providence to resolve violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act related to a program for students with disabilities. The Providence Journal says the settlement comes after a federal probe into Training Through Placement (TTP), a company that had a sheltered workshop with former students from the Harold A. Birch Vocational Program at Mount Pleasant High School as well as other schools. Under the agreement, disabled individuals will receive supported employment and integrated day services sufficient to support a 40-hour work week. The investigation found that about 90 disabled workers at TTP were not in appropriate integrated settings and that Birch students were generally denied diplomas. Providence School Superintendent Susan Lusi said the circumstances uncovered at Birch were disturbing. The school remains open, but the sheltered workshop has been closed down, Lusi says.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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