Schoolhouse Beat

All students will be able to get free lunch in the Dallas district

89 percent of the district's students already qualified for free or reduced-price meals.

All 159,000 students enrolled in the Dallas district can now get a free lunch and breakfast at school. The Dallas Morning News reports that the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which manages the federally funded school meal program, will no longer link the cost of meals to students’ family income. Several Texas school districts have qualified for the free-meal program; Dallas now will become one of the nation’s largest districts to participate. The changes apply to every student regardless of family income. But only meals will be free, not snacks. The district decided to make the switch after 89 percent of its students last year qualified for a free or reduced-price meal.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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