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Lawsuit challenges Ann Arbor district's ban on guns

Gun rights group says recently enacted district policy violates Michigan law.
April 28, 2015

A gun rights advocacy group has sued the Ann Arbor (Mich.) school district in an effort to overturn the school system's ban on guns on district property.

Michigan Gun Owners and Ulysses Wong, parent of an Ann Arbor student and a member of Michigan Gun Owners, contend in the lawsuit that Ann Arbor's weapon ban, enacted earlier this month by the school board, violates state law.

"The open carry of a pistol in a school or on school property is a lawful activity," the lawsuit says. "State law prohibits a local unit of government from regulating the possession and transportation of a firearm."

The policy that the Ann Arbor board approved on April 15 bans persons other than law enforcement personnel from having guns and other dangerous weapons on district property.

School officials argued that the policy was needed because allowing guns in schools would undermine their efforts to provide a safe learning environment for children.

The suit seeks a judicial order declaring that the district is not allowed to prohibit Wong and others from "entering onto any Ann Arbor Public School building or property while engaged in lawful activities." 

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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