Fire & Life Safety

Illinois governor signs law mandating carbon monoxide alarms in schools

Carbon monoxide leak last year at Girard, Ill., school prompts lawmakers to act.
Aug. 28, 2015

llinois schools must be equipped by Jan. 1 with carbon monoxide alarms under legislation that has been signed by Gov. Bruce Rauner.

The Southern Illinoisan says lawmakers approved the legislation in June. Lawmakers were spurred to action after a carbon monoxide leak in 2014 at the North Mac Middle School in Girard, Ill.

About 140 students and teachers were taken to an area hospital for treatment after a carbon monoxide leak was detected in a water heater vent. Following the incident, the North Mac school district purchased its own alarms.

The law directs schools to install carbon monoxide alarms in each school building.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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