Fire & Life Safety

Construction accident kills worker at private school in Virginia

42-year-old man is fatally injured when a saw misfired at Collegiate School in Richmond.
June 16, 2015

A construction worker at a private school in Richmond, Va., was killed Monday when his saw misfired while doing masonry work on a roof of a dining facility under construction.

WTVR-TV reports that the worker, a 42-year-old man whose identity was not disclosed, was part of a construction crew at Collegiate School. The saw he was using misfired and fatally cut him.

Collegiate is building a new dining hall, named Centennial Hall, for its lower campus. The project was scheduled to be completed this summer.


About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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