Bars too close to campus?

July 1, 2008
Concerned about underage drinking, administrators at the University of Scranton, Pa., are trying to block a local pizzeria from opening a dance club and

Concerned about underage drinking, administrators at the University of Scranton, Pa., are trying to block a local pizzeria from opening a dance club and bar in its basement. A question posed recently on Schoolhouse Beat — The Blog asked whether a university should be able to prevent bars and dance clubs from opening too close to campus. Some of your feedback:

  • ”Yes. Universities have the right and duty to guard the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of their student enrollment and this doesn't include a bar and dance hall across the street.”

    And from the other side …

  • “I don't think that kids who want to drink would be deterred if they had to walk a block or two more or less to do so.”

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About the Author

Susan Lustig | Executive Editor

Susan Lustig, executive editor, has been with AS&U since 1995. She is a graduate of the University of Missouri—Columbia.

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