Crime & Bullying Prevention

Student shot to death at Sacramento City College

Two other students were wounded; suspect is at large.
Sept. 4, 2015

One student was shot to death and two others were wounded Thursday in a shooting on the campus of Sacramento City College in Sacramento, Calif.

Fox 40 reports that one man suffered fatal gunshot wounds; another man was shot multiple times and was taken to an area hospital, but is expected to survive. A third man was grazed by a bullet and suffered only minor injuries. The alleged shooter fled the scene and is still at large.

Police say a quarrel preceded the shooting, but authorities do not know the nature of the disagreement. The shooting occurred near the campus baseball field, which is on the south end of the campus.

Video from Fox 40:

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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