The Connecticut House of Representatives passed legislation that requires colleges and universities to increase campus security, particularly as it pertains to sexual assaults. The bill, which has is called “An Act Concerning Assault, Stalking and Intimate Partner Violence on Campus,” is similar to the Clery Act, a federal law requiring colleges and universities that receive federal funding to take certain actions to prevent sexual assaults.
Rep. Roberta Willis offered the Connecticut version of the law, which will mandate that institutions of higher learning provide an annual “uniform campus crime report concerning crimes committed in the immediately preceding calendar year within the geographical limits of the property owned or under the control of such institution.”
The bill, which has yet to pass in the Senate, will also require that each school create a campus resource team, create an education program for awareness and prevention for all students and employees, and provide counseling for any victim of sexual assault.
About the Author
Kimberlee Payton-Jones
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