Safety & Security

Student shot to death in North Carolina high school

Quarrel between 2 students at Butler High in Matthews, N.C., leads to gunfire.
Oct. 29, 2018

A student was shot to death Monday morning in the hallway of a high school in North Carolina.

The Charlotte Observer reports that the shooting resulted from a quarrel between two students at Butler High School in Matthews, a suburb of Charlotte.

The shooting suspect is in custody. The identities of the suspect and victim have not been released.

"The single shooter has been apprehended and the weapon is in the possession of law enforcement," says a post on the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Facebook page. "Law enforcement has advised that there is no further immediate danger at this time and initial investigation shows this to be an isolated incident."

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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