Safety & Security

Georgia Tech student shot to death by campus police

Scout Schultz, 21, was president of the Pride Alliance at the university.
Sept. 18, 2017
2 min read

An engineering student and the president of the Pride Alliance at Georgia Tech in Atlanta was fatally shot Saturday night by a campus police officer.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that the student has been identified as Scout Schultz, 21, of Lilburn, Ga.

Authorities say Schultz was barefoot and allegedly carrying a knife. A multipurpose tool found on the ground after the shooting is believed to be the weapon Schultz held. The tool did not show an extended blade.

Video recorded by witnesses showed Schultz yelling at police to shoot, and officers responding "Drop the knife" numerous times.

“Officers provided multiple verbal commands and attempted to speak with Schultz, who was not cooperative and would not comply with the officers’ commands,” Georgia Bureau of Investigation spokeswoman Nelly Miles said. “Schultz continued to advance on the officers with the knife. Subsequently, one officer fired striking Schultz.”

Schultz was taken to a local hospital and was pronounced dead.

“Scout’s sudden and tragic death today has been devastating news for the Schultz family and classmates — and for members of the community who knew Scout personally, the shock and grief are particularly acute,” said John Stein, dean of students and vice president of Student Life, in a note to the campus community Sunday.

On the Georgia Tech Pride Alliance website, Schultz identified as "bisexual, nonbinary and intersex."

In an interview with the Journal-Constitution, the victim's mother, Lynne Schultz, said Scout had suffered from depression and had attempted suicide two years ago.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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