Safety & Security

Illinois students must learn CPR

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed a bill on June 5, 2014 that will require all high schools students in the state of Illinois to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) .

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed a bill on June 5, 2014 that will require all high schools students in the state of Illinois to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and how to operate mobile defibrillators, the Chicago Tribune reported. 

“It is not often our high school students are faced with the opportunity to save a life,” Quinn said in a press release. “Should an emergency arise, we want our students ready to step in and take action. This common-sense law will make sure they are better prepared to help their classmates, teachers, family and friends in case of an emergency.”

The bill comes at the suggestion of George Laman whose daughter, Laura, collapsed and died at her high school drill team practice. A defibrillator was available, but no one used it until paramedics arrived 13 minutes after she passed out, the Chicago Tribune reported.

The bill will require that all secondary schools in the state train students on how to properly administer CPR and use a defibrillator.

About the Author

Kimberlee Payton-Jones

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