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A Better Way for Schools To Clean

April 5, 2023
Discover a smarter way to keep your facilities clean and healthy with robots powered by BrainOS , the most proven robotics AI platform. Download the ebook now and take the first step towards a smarter, safer school environment.

Schools are faced with a rising imperative to create safe, clean and healthy learning environments conducive to positive academic outcomes. However, heightened cleaning expectations have left many schools with overextended custodial teams, leading to lower job satisfaction and impacting day-to-day school operations. So, how can schools meet new cleaning standards in the midst of long-standing labor shortages and rising costs?

Download this new e-book, “A Better Way for Schools To Clean,” today to learn how autonomous floor care robots increase custodial team productivity, clean campuses with precision and deliver data and performance insights so cleaning can be monitored and optimized.

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