
Among largest districts, New York City spent the most per pupil in 2017-18

Oct. 13, 2020
The National Center for Education Statistics says that among the 100 largest public school systems, New York City had the highest per-pupil expenditures.

Among the largest school districts in the United States, the largest—New York City—also spent the most per pupil in the 2017-18 school year.

Figures from the National Center for Education Statistics show that in 2017-18, per-pupil expenditures in the New York City school system were $26,588.

The lowest per-pupil expenditure among the 100 largest districts was $6,646 in the Alpine (Utah) School District,

Here are the 10 districts among the nation's 100 largest that had the highest per-pupil expenditures in 2017-18:

New York City NY                   $26,588
Boston MA                               $24,177
Atlanta GA                                $16,402
Philadelphia PA                        $16,043
Montgomery County MD        $16,005
Baltimore City  MD                   $15,793
Howard County  MD                $15,595
Columbus  OH                          $15,461
Prince George’s County  MD  $15,334
Hawaii HI                                   $15,242

About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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