student clearinghouse

States with the fewest higher education students, spring 2020

July 7, 2020
Alaska had only 20,643 students attending college, according to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.

Alaska had the fewest number of students attending college in spring 2020, according to estimates from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.

Statistics from the center estimate that 20,643 students were enrolled in higher education institutions in Alaska—less than 1% of the 2.3 million enrolled in California.

Nationwide, 17,458,306 students were enrolled in U.S. higher education institutions in spring 2020. That's a 0.5% decrease compared with the 17,542,109 who were enrolled in spring 2019.

Here are the 10 states estimated to have the fewest college students enrolled in spring 2020.

Alaska                20,643
Wyoming           27,816
Vermont            38,134
Montana            42,702
South Dakota    43,899
North Dakota    45,808
Hawaii                47,315
Delaware            54,157
Maine                  60,478
Rhode Island      65,376

About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy has been writing about education for American School & University since 1999. He also has reported on schools and other topics for The Chicago Tribune, The Kansas City Star, The Kansas City Times and City News Bureau of Chicago. He is a graduate of Michigan State University.

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