States with the fewest preK-12 students attending private schools, 2015-16

Oct. 23, 2018
States with the fewest preK-12 students attending private schools, 2015-16

Private schools accounted for 10.3 percent of the nation's overall elementary and secondary school enrollment in 2015-16, according to federal statistics.

The National Center for Eduction Statistics Private School Universe Survey for 2015-16 found that 5,750,520 students were enrolled in private elementary and secondary schools throughout the United States.

Private schools were considerably more popular in the Northeast region of the United States compared with the West region. Private school students made up 14.3 percent of overall enrollment in the Northeast, but in the West, accounted for only 8 percent.

In the Midwest region, 11.9 percent of students were enrolled in private schools, and in the South, 9.1 percent of students attended private institutions.

Wyoming reported the lowest number of private school students—2,240.

Here are the 10 states that had the fewest numbers of private school students in fall 2015.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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