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Districts with the most students enrolled in charter schools, 2016-17

Nov. 7, 2017
The Los Angeles Unified School District tops the list with more than 163,000 students attending charter schools.

More than 3 million students in the United States were enrolled in charter schools in 2016-17, the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools says.

According to the Alliance's 12th annual enrollment report, released in October, charter school enrollment in 2016-17 was 3,011,300 students—about 6 percent of the nation's public school enrollment.

The greatest number of students attending charters was in the Los Angeles Unified District—163,720. New York City also topped the 100,000 mark in 2016-17 for charter students.

Here are the 10 public school districts that had the most students enrolled in charters.

RankDistrictCharter School EnrollmentPercentage of students enrolled in charters 1Los Angeles CA Unified163,72026% 2New York NY102,96010% 3Philadelphia PA64,27032% 4Miami-Dade County FL62,28017% 5Chicago IL59,27016% 6Detroit MI50,46053% 7Houston TX50,31020% 8Broward County FL46,75017% 9New Orleans44,38093% 10Washington DC41,49046%
About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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