
Showtime: Most-produced high school musicals

Oct. 4, 2016
The Education Theatre Association says these are the 10 musicals that were produced most often in 2015-16 by high schools.

The Addams Family was the most-produced high school musical in 2015-16, according to an annual survey conducted by the Educational Theatre Association.

It is the second year in a row that the story of Morticia, Gomez, and their altogether ooky family has topped the list of musicals produced in U.S. high schools.

The association has conducted the annual survey since 1938. For 2015-16, about 1,200 member schools participated in the survey.

High school theater is one of the most-seen live arts performance mediums in the nation, the association says.

An article in American Theatre magazine estimated that about 37,500 shows are performed in high school theaters annually.

Here are the Top 10 musicals produced by high schools in 2015-16.

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