
Flagstaff (Ariz.) district needs $95 million in facility upgrades, consultant says

Feb. 6, 2018
Facilities assessment calls for replacing 2 elementary schools and upgrading most of the district's 17 schools.

The Flagstaff (Ariz.) district should spend $95 million to its school facilities, a consultant says.

The Arizona Daily Sun reports that the recommendation from the H2 Group calls for replacing two elementary schools and upgrading most of the district's 17 buildings.

The consultant's facilities assessment found that the average age of a building in the Flagstaff district is about 47 years, and most of the buildings are in good shape for their age. 

Kinsey and Killip elementary schools and the portable buildings at Mount Elden Middle School should probably be replaced with new buildings, the consultant says. Replacing the buildings would cost about $36,233,772; less comprehensive renovations to keep the buildings operating for another few years would cost about $9,486,694.

The main problems H2 detected at nearly all of the schools were cracking parking lots and sidewalks, old heating and cooling systems, worn flooring, worn cabinets and countertops, outdated fire and security systems, roofs needing repairs and areas not in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Most of the needed repairs are because of the age of the buildings and the wear and tear they get over the years. A lot of the exterior damage to the buildings is caused by Flagstaff’s rapid freeze/thaw cycles during the winter, which damage pavement, walls and roofs.

To pay for repairs and replacements, Flagstaff officials should consider asking voters to approve a bond, the consultant recommends. Arizona’s Schools Facilities Board can help pay for some projects, but is unlikely to provide all of the funding the district would need.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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