The University of Wyoming in Laramie is working to complete the second phase of an overhaul of its historic Half Acre Gym to create a modern recreation and wellness center.
Phase II of the renovation the 1925 building is scheduled to be complete by the end of the summer. This phase calls for remodeling the facility’s historic west portion and will include lengthening the existing third-floor track to 1/8 of a mile, the addition of a wellness center, and renovation of the swimming pool.
Phase I, which involved the demolition and reconstruction of Half Acre’s east building, was completed in March. That space now provides students access to a variety of new equipment and amenities: three floors of new weight room and cardio equipment; a 38-foot-high rock climbing and bouldering wall; a multi-activity court; a spinning room ; a dance studio; a “mind and body” studio for meditation/yoga; academic space for theater and dance, and kinesiology and health classes; four new racquetball courts with glass back walls for observation and instruction; expanded outdoor program space and new locker rooms.
The $27 million project began in 2013. State legislators earmarked $15 million for the work, and student fees will cover $12 million. The Associated Students of UW supported a fee increase and lobbied the Legislature to provide funding for the project.