Harbor Springs Public Schools
shay elementary

Harbor Springs (Mich.) district tears down elementary to clear site for a new building

Jan. 10, 2023
When demolition of Shay Elementary is completed, the district will build a 38,000-square-foot campus for kindergarten through grade 4.

The Harbor Springs (Mich.) district is in the final stages of demolishing Shay Elementary School as it plans to build a new elementary on the site.

The Petoskey News-Review reports that the 38,000-square-foot school planned for the site will serve students in kindergarten through fourth grade. The district expects to break ground in the spring. Shay Elementary housed grades two through four.

The district moved forward with Shay Elementary’s demolition after voters approved a $41.5 million bond last year to pay for the new school.

Students who had been attending Shay have been split between two schools until the new school opens. Second graders have relocated to Blackbird Elementary, and classes for third and fourth graders have been moved to Harbor Springs Middle School.

The new school is scheduled to open in fall 2024. When it does, the Blackbird Elementary campus will become an early childhood center.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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