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Private school in Milwaukee, Wis., acquires property for expansion

July 13, 2021
The $42 million expansion of St. Augustine Preparatory Academy will increase enrollment to 2,400.

St. Augustine Preparatory Academy in Milwaukee, Wis., is expanding. 

The private Christian school has purchased property to expand their enrollment of about 1,500 students by 900. The academy serves students in grades K-4 through 12th grade and aims at serving low-income students.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports the $42 million expansion plan has grown from the $30 million plan presented to city officials in 2019 because the school has acquired additional properties.

The school is buying 33 properties to control the block north of the existing school. All the families living there agreed to sell.

That block will hold a new elementary school building for grades four and five; it will accommodate 900 students, and have a full gymnasium, a smaller gym, a rooftop garden and playground, and a theater with seating for 800.

The older students will stay in the existing building, which will be expanded by 11,000 square feet to include more space for STEM, music, athletic and arts programs.

Completion is set for May 2023.

KORB + ASSOCIATES is the architect. 

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