Canon-McMillan School District
First Street Elementary more than 90 years old will close at the end of the school year

Pennsylvania district is shuttering 3 elementary schools

May 2, 2017
The Canon-McMillan district is replacing the three aging facilities with a new elementary.

The Canon-McMillan (Pa.) School District is shuttering three elementary buildings that are a collective 255 years old.

The Observer-Reporter says the three elementary schools—Cecil in Cecil, First Street in Canonsburg and Muse in Muse—will be closed and replaced by a new elementary campus in Muse.

The buildings being closed have long histories. First Street opened in 1924 as First Ward School. Both Muse and Cecil opened in 1936, and both were renovated in 1986.

The existing Muse building is the only of the three schools that has its demolition scheduled. It will be razed over the summer to make way for parking for the new Muse Elementary, which will open for the 2017-18 academic year.

The estimated construction cost is $31 million.

The Canon-McMillan (Pa.) district is about 20 miles south of Pittsburgh.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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