New Construction

Union (Okla.) district begins work on 14th elementary school

Campus in Tulsa is set to open next year; subsequent phases will double the size of the school.
July 13, 2016

The Union (Okla.) district has broken ground on the first phase of what eventually will be a 1,000-student elementary school.

“Essentially we are building two elementary schools in one,” Superintendent Kirt Hartzler says.

The district’s 14th elementary school is scheduled to open in 2017 with an anticipated enrollment of about 500 students. The new campus will enable more students to attend a school closer to their homes and walk or ride bikes instead of having a bus transport them.

Two more stages of construction will follow, with the last to finish in 2019.

In Phase 1, about half of the school will be built, about 70,000 square feet. That includes classrooms, a cafeteria and kitchen, and the main office area.

Phase II, covering 11,437 square feet, will include construction of a wood-floor gym and stage and two music rooms. Phase III, covering 50,769 square feet, will include 28 more classrooms, more art rooms, STEM rooms, and special education rooms, as well as a second media center and space for pre-kindergarten students. Projected enrollment for the completed school is about 1,000 students.

The architect is Hollis & Miller.

Video of groundbreaking ceremony from KTUL-TV:

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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