New Construction

Work starts on new elementary in Effingham County, Ga.

A new Rincon Elementary School is scheduled to open in Rincon in 2018. 
July 6, 2016

The Effingham County (Ga.) district has begun site work on a new Rincon Elementary School.

The Savannah Morning News reports that construction on the 29-acre site in Rincon is scheduled to begin later this month. The 142,000-square-foot building should be ready for students to attend in 2018.

The district says the new school will be much larger than the existing Rincon Elementary – it will have capacity for 1,200 students, compared with 750 students in the existing school.

The oldest part of the existing school was built in 1962, and has had several additions through the years. The age of the older part of the building and the location are among the reasons for the new school, officials say.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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