Facility Planning

Belpre City (Ohio.) district looks at plan to consolidate its schools

Building new preK to 12 facilities in one location would cost around $50 million, officials estimate.
Nov. 1, 2021

The Belpre City (Ohio) district is looking at plans to consolidate all of its schools at one location.

Two of the options the district is considering are the existing Belpre Elementary site or the existing high school site, reports The Marietta Times.

The overall cost, at this time, is estimated at $50 million for basic new construction and the demolition of the old schools and board office. The Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) will provide 56% of the amount, and the district would be responsible for the rest. 

The construction would be done in two segments, one pre-K through fifth grades, and the other sixth through 12th grades.

The OFCC would provide a portion of the cost of the new school construction, but some aspects of the project would not be covered by the state funding and would be classified as LFIs, or locally funded initiatives.

The locally funded initiatives could include: 

  •  more academic space;
  • larger/upgraded playground;
  • flexible performing arts space;
  • upgraded flooring;
  • upgraded exteriors;
  • weight room;
  • track.
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